Owners and successors need to work together to ensure the hard work you’ve put into your succession plan is actually implemented and implemented on-time. You’ll need to set aside some time each month, quarter and year to truly focus on this important monitoring work.

We’ve provided you checklists to make it easier for you. If there are some things not getting done, you’ll have to map out how to get them back on track. That usually involves communicating clearly and precisely and in a way that strengthens your relationships. You’ll also have to adjust the timeline of the tasks that aren’t being completed as well as any tasks they will impact.

And don’t forget – for those sticky situations where conflict is occurring, you’ve developed a dispute resolution method that can help.


Monthly Monitoring

Choose one day a month to focus on monthly monitoring and tell your co-workers and family you’ll need some uninterrupted time that day. You’ll be more efficient that way.

Action Point

Go to your calendar now and book one day near the end of each month for the next year when you will focus on evaluating your progress on succession planning for the month. DO NOT BREAK THIS COMMITMENT.

 Use this monthly monitoring checklist:

Action Point

Print this Monthly checklist now.


Quarterly Monitoring

Choose two days near the end of the quarter to do your quarterly assessments and monitoring. That uninterrupted time is the most efficient way to monitor progress on your succession plan since it keeps your focus on the work at hand. Ask your workers, colleagues, etc. to minimize interruptions for you.

Action Point

Go to your calendar now and book the two days near the end of each of the next four quarters when you will focus on evaluating your progress on succession planning for each quarter. DO NOT BREAK THIS COMMITMENT.

Use this checklist:

Action Point

Print this Quarterly checklist now.


Annual Monitoring

Choose one week close to year-end to look back and evaluate your progress over the past 12 months. You will need that uninterrupted time. Succession planning has a lot of working parts so it’s easier to stay in it once you start the evaluation process. Otherwise, you’ll be wasting time trying to remember where you left off and you may miss some important detail. And if you get it done in less than five days, good on you!

Action Point

Go to your calendar now and book the week near year-end when you will focus on evaluating your progress on succession planning for the year. DO NOT BREAK THIS COMMITMENT.

Use this checklist:

Action Point

Print this Annual checklist now.